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Oct. 22, 2015
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 22, 2015  -- 10 AM

10:10 AM  The meeting with Fieldstone Farm ad hoc funding group was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss, T.A. Nina Nazarian., Adv. Bd. Chair John Shipman, state Agricultural Commissioner John Lebeaux, state Rep. Kim Ferguson, Deb Cary for Mass. Audubon; Charles Wyman, senior land protection specialist from Audubon along with several other state and agency officials.
Deb presented a PowerPoint overview of the project, encompassing about 300 acres of woods, hayfields and wetlands with an historic farmhouse. Protection of the farm as open space is part of the town’s master plan and open space plan; it connects existing greenways. An Agricultural Protection Restriction (APR) is being sought for the parcel around the farmhouse currently in hayfields, and the first step has been approved and the state is going forward with appraisals. It was noted that agricultural uses and farming are increasing in a handful of states including Mass.
A handout was presented that lists all funding sources besides the town and Audubon. Worcester Water Dept. seeks protection of acreage in their watershed. Deb C. noted that the ski area Land Acquisition Fund is a possible source, and that DCR prefers a conservation restriction (CR) rather that owning fee simple. The state’s LAND grant tops out at $400,000. Selling limited houselots is a finding source as well. An appraisal was done using 25 ANR lots as the max buildout, resulting in a value of $2.75 million. According to the group the option to purchase was agreed upon at $3 million at the sellers’ insistence. Private pledges are up to $250,000. The option needs to be exercised by March 31 unless the group re-negotiates with the sellers.
        John L. pointed out that no APRs are available for the next 18-24 months. APR payments go directly to the farmer under rules of USDA. Charlie noted that the town’s match for the APR could be covered by Audubon and Princeton Land Trust.
John L. asked about the market for houselots. Deb suggested clustered home sites, possibly with smaller, more affordable homes. There was discussion about what’s allowed on APR land. Besides hay production, a new idea for a crop is hops, given the surge of regional breweries.

11 AM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn. Several attendees went for a tour of the farm property.

Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents: List of funding sources

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department